A Course In Miracles
Foundation to Inner Peace. Britney Shawley.A Course in Miracles featuring Britney Shawley
Britney Shawley is wise beyond her years, energized, enthusiastic and does an amazing job presenting and facilitating the A Course In Miracles. Join us Today.
(Additional information about Britney is below the lessons)
A Course in Miracles featuring David Gikandi
A Course in Miracles has a lesson for every day of the year
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Each day there is a lesson, read or listen to the lesson facilitated by Britney. (more information about Britney below the lessons)
Click the lesson # for the day you are on. Its recommended one lesson per day. Happy journey!
A Course in Miracles
I love the world and everyone in it.
There is nothing to do or to see except everyone happy and at peace along with me.
For this reason, my mind is open and willing to welcome new tools, that are practical, helpful, and truly here to shift the world in a direction where we ALL win.
To call myself anything at all it would be a Teacher of Peace, but even that is not me. Simply listening to the voice within that guides me. As included the greatest good of others and in my thinking, we begin to receive the effects of my giving and thus receive everything that I give!
Britney's Experience
Through inner mind training and dedication to the goal of peace, happiness is my result; and thus powerful and revolutionary tools have been given me to bless the world. I have learned to diligently train my mind firstly through practice, secondly through the help of the tool A Course in Miracles. ACIM is literally a tool for mind training, miracle working and inner peace. It has become an active part of my daily thought process and assists as a focus and a guide for undoing the false and remembering what is True. This helped to facilitate the relationships in my life to become only helpful, loving and purposeful.
York University is where I received my honors in both English & Psychology. My education was furthered with Hypnosis and N.L.P to help assist a greater audience to understand the power of their mind. Born in Toronto, Canada and currently live in Southern California with my partner & husband Tom Glod. We are both creators and visionaries of team MakeShyft R.D.A and inspired and passionate about completing the tools in our pipe-line and giving them to the world.
I am here to serve the masses, and to make a big difference for the greater good of everyone.
Love, Britney Shawley www.miraclesofmind.org
LISAonthego Experience
LISAonthego - The A Course In Miracles has inspired and helped transform LISAonthego's life for the past 10+ years. She learned to learn about herself and that she has choices. They're 364 lessons one each day for a full year. Britney is awesome at facilitating, clarifying and talking/writing about the lesson of the day. Love, Love her energy and enthusiasm and you will too. Click on the lesson# of the day and watch the video, also at the end of some of the lessons Britney has added more thoughts, clarification, and comments. Love, Laughter & Peace, have a great day. LISAonthego
Britney Shawley's website www.miraclesofmind.org