“Let miracles replace all grievances.”
Perhaps it is not yet quite clear to you that each decision that you make
is one between a grievance and a miracle. Each grievance stands like a
dark shield of hate before the miracle it would conceal.And as you raise
it up before your eyes, you will not see the miracle beyond.Yet all the
while it waits for you in light, but you behold your grievances instead.
Today we go beyond the grievances, to look upon the miracle
instead.We will reverse the way you see by not allowing sight to stop
before it sees. We will not wait before the shield of hate, but lay it
down and gently lift our eyes in silence, to behold the Son of God.
He waits for you behind your grievances, and as you lay them
down he will appear in shining light where each one stood before. For
every grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts, you see the Son of
God where he has always been. He stands in light, but you were in the
dark. Each grievance made the darkness deeper, and you could not see.
Today we will attempt to see God’s Son.We will not let ourselves
be blind to him; we will not look upon our grievances. So is the seeing
of the world reversed, as we look out toward truth, away from fear.
We will select one person you have used as target for your
grievances, and lay the grievances aside, and look at him. Someone,
perhaps, you fear and even hate; someone you think you love who
angers you; someone you call a friend, but whom you see as difficult
at times, or hard to please; demanding, irritating or untrue to the
ideal he should accept as his according to the role you set for him.
You know the one to choose; his name has crossed your mind
already. He will be the one of whom we ask God’s Son be shown to
us. Through seeing him behind the grievances that we have held
against him, you will learn that what lay hidden while you saw him
not is there in everyone, and can be seen. He who was enemy is more
than friend when he is freed to take the holy role the Holy Spirit has
assigned to him. Let him be savior unto you today. Such is his role in
God your Father’s plan.
Our longer practice periods today will see him in this role. We
will attempt to hold him in our mind, first as you now consider him.
We will review his faults, the difficulties you have had with him, the
pain he caused you, his neglect, and all the little and the larger hurts
he gave. We will regard his body with its flaws and better points as
well, and we will think of his mistakes and even of his “sins.”
Then let us ask of Him Who knows this Son of God in his reality
and truth, that we may look on him a different way, and see our Savior
shining in the light of true forgiveness, given unto us.We ask Him in
the Holy Name of God and of His Son, as holy as Himself:
“Let me behold my Savior in this one
You have appointed as the One for me
Toask to lead me to the holy light
In which he stands, that I may join with him.”
The body’s eyes are closed, and as you think of him who grieved
you, let your mind be shown the light in him beyond your grievances.
What you have asked for cannot be denied. Your Savior has been
waiting long for this. He would be free, and make his freedom yours.
The Holy Spirit leans from him to you, seeing no separation in God’s
Son.And what you see through Him will free you both.
Be very quiet now, and look upon your shining Savior. No dark
grievances obscure the sight of him. You have allowed the Holy
Spirit to express through him the role God gave Him, that you might
be saved. God thanks you for these quiet times today, in which you
laid your images aside, and looked upon the miracle of love the Holy
Spirit showed you in their place. The world and Heaven join in
thanking you, for not one Thought of God but must rejoice as you
are saved, and all the world with you.
We will remember this throughout the day, and take the role
assigned to us as part of God’s salvation plan, and not our own.
Temptation falls away when we allow each one we meet to save us,
and refuse to hide his light behind our grievances. To everyone you
meet, and to the ones you think of, or remember from the past, allow
the role of Savior to be given, that you may share it with them. For
you both, and all the sightless ones as well, we pray:
“Let miracles replace all grievances.”
Britney Added:
Today we go beyond the grievances, to look upon the miracle instead. We will reverse the way you see by not allowing sight to stop before it sees. We will not wait before the shield of hate, but lay it down and gently lift our eyes in silence to behold the Son of God.